Environment responsability
Santher is concerned with the environment and adopts an Environmental Management System that seeks a balance between industrial activity, human beings, and the environment. The company manages the treatment of solid waste, liquid effluents and gaseous emissions, rationally using natural resources in order to ensure pollution prevention, promote sustainable development, and comply with environmental legislation.

Liquid Effluents
All generated effluent undergoes a rigorous treatment and monitoring system, ensuring compliance with the launch quality standards provided in the environmental legislation. In order to increase its efficiency and improve the quality of the final effluent, we invest in equipment and technologies, we have a specific laboratory for monitoring the quality of the effluent, providing greater metrological reliability to the results and achieving excellent levels of removal, meeting the values specified by the environmental agencies.
After undergoing all the treatment, the remaining portion of the generated effluent not used in our production processes is released into Rio upstream (before) our capture, demonstrating our commitment and responsibility with the quality of the effluent, contributing to the local watersheds.
Aiming at the preservation of natural resources, we carry out projects to minimize water consumption, through the best possible use, using reuse water and recirculating reuse water in the production process itself, thus reducing water extraction from springs.

Solid Waste
Santher carries out the Selective Collection Program with the objective of raising the awareness of employees and third parties to the importance of each one’s contribution in the proper separation of waste, encouraging the reduction, reuse, and recycling of materials.
We operate in initiatives related to the eco-efficiency of the packaging of our products which offer benefits to the environment and its consumers, aiming to promote the mitigation of environmental impacts.
We constantly seek environmentally correct alternatives for the disposal of solid waste generated, always prioritizing recycling, reuse, or reverse packaging logistics, thus minimizing the volume of waste sent to landfill.

Impact reduction (GHG)
We increase our energy efficiency, while pursuing low carbon solutions where we reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our operations.
Santher has been developing several initiatives to control and reduce greenhouse gases (GHG). Since 2001, we have adopted practices of replacing fuels with cleaner sources, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In the process for drying the papers produced, we have been replacing the use of fuels, changing from diesel to BPF oil, LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) and currently we use natural gas and biomass, starting to use renewable sources in the units of Bragança Paulista and Guaiba.
In the transport and distribution process, we always think about the best logistical optimization for our products, raw materials, and waste, reducing the volume of transport and compacting our loads, which in turn, contributes to reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Sustainable Products
Santher produces its line of products in a sustainable way, using as raw material, cellulose from reforestation wood (100% planted and renewable) and natural fibers recovered from long-life after-sales packaging. consumption.
This initiative reduces the consumption of wood, water, energy, and chemical products, when compared to a conventional industrial process. In addition, the entire recycling process indirectly contributes to the generation of employment and income for collectors and cooperatives, allowing the reuse of material and reducing the amount of waste in sanitary landfills.

For us, sustainability is a model of action in which everyone wins. We believe that in order to be successful, it is essential to combine economic, social and environmental values in all our decisions and strategies, considering the interdependence between all these factors.
One of the actions focused on sustainability that started in 2015 was the obtaining of FSC (Chain of Custody) Certification for the Penha and Guaíba Units, which in 2020 was expanded to the Bragança Paulista unit, ensuring that the raw material (cellulose) used in a range of our products comes from forests managed in an ecologically adequate, socially fair and economically viable way.

Post-use packaging return
The issue regarding post-consumer packaging is one of our concerns and that is why we participate in the Dê a Mão para o Futuro Recycling, Work, and Income Program developed by ABIHPEC, as a viable alternative for its associates, in order to comply with the National Solid Waste Policy – PNRS, which includes environmental issues, shared responsibility, and social inclusion, points considered essential for the industries in the sector. The initiative is carried out in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Cleaning Products and Related Products (ABIPLA) and with the Brazilian Association of Pasta Industries (ABIMAPI).